Sunday, March 28, 2021, was 3 years ago. It was the 87th day and 3rd month of the year in the Georgian calendar. It’s the 28th day of Spring and there are 65 days left until Summer. March 28, 2021 zodiac sign is Aries. On this day, Joe Biden (Democratic) was the president of the United States and the world population was approximately 7.92 billion, according to
Below is everything you need to know about March 28, 2021, including important events in history, top news headlines, US stock market results, social trends, and what was popular in entertainment. We’ll also look at March 28 zodiac details, day facts, and more ⤵
Day index | 87th day of the year |
Day of week | 4th Sunday of 2021 |
Week index | 13th week of 2021 |
Season | 28th day of Spring |
Generation | Generation Alpha |
Zodiac Sign | Aries ♈ |
Chinese Zodiac | Ox |
Ruling Planet | Mars |
Numerology | 9 |
March Birthstone | Aquamarine |
March Birth flower | Daffodil |
We are using US standard week number calculations.
Fun fact: Here is how to write March 28, 2021, in Roman numerals: IIIXXVIIIMMXXI (month-day, year)
March 28th zodiac sign
The zodiac sign for March 28 is Aries ♈. Aries' strengths are: courageous, determined, confident, enthusiastic, optimistic, and honest. While the weaknesses are being impatient, moody, impulsive, and aggressive. Mars is the ruling planet of Aries.
Top news headlines from March 28, 2021
Here is what happened on this day.
- Biden admin lawyers urge Supreme Court to allow warrantless gun confiscation ahead of major case
- A stray dog kept stealing a stuffed unicorn from a Dollar General, so animal control bought it for him
- Trump slams Biden immigration policies: Theres nothing, theres no leadership
- Third Eaglet Hatches At Hays Bald Eagle Nest
- Trump may visit US-Mexico border region soon, former aide says
Popular topics that trended on the web and social media on March 28th:
#UFC260 #90DayFiance Nike UCLA #AndNew Lindsey Graham
March 28th events in history
Below are some important historical events that happened on March 28.
Roman Emperor Valentinian I appoints his brother Flavius Valens co-emperor.Paris is sacked by Viking raiders, probably under Ragnar Lodbrok, who collects a huge ransom in exchange for leaving.
Britain and France declare war on Russia during the Crimean War.
Stock markets on March 28, 2021
Did you know:
March 28, 2021 US Holidays
Holidays on this day: No major holidays found for this date.
Popular Tweets on Mar 28, 2021
Here are popular and most liked tweets on this day in United States:
March 28, 2021 in Music
The number one song on The Billboard Hot 100 was "Up" by Cardi B.
March 28 calendar
March 28, 2024 | Thursday |
March 28, 2025 | Friday |
March 28, 2026 | Saturday |
March 28, 2027 | Sunday |
March 28, 2028 | Tuesday |
What is Numerology and life path number?
March 28, 2021 life path number is 9. Numerologists believe that we have all had previous lifetimes. Each number from 1-9 holds a vibration and each vibration produces a predictable characteristic or outcome around it. Life Path 9 is thought to be the most interesting. Multiplying any number by 9, then add the resulting digits and reduce them to a single digit will always be a 9. Nine touches at the core of its symbolism and understand the connection between all mankind and have a global consciousness.
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