April 26, 2020: Facts, Holidays & History

Sunday, April 26, 2020, was 4 years ago. It was the 117th day and 4th month of the year in the Georgian calendar. It’s the 57th day of Spring and there are 36 days left until Summer. April 26, 2020 zodiac sign is Taurus. On this day, Donald J. Trump (Republican) was the president of the United States and the world population was approximately 7.79 billion, according to census.gov.

Below is everything you need to know about April 26, 2020, including popular events in history, top news headlines, US stock market results, social trends, and what was popular in entertainment. We’ll also look at April 26 zodiac details, day facts, and more ⤵

Day index 117th day of the year
Day of week 4th Sunday of 2020
Week index 17th week of 2020
Season 57th day of Spring
Generation Generation Alpha
Zodiac Sign Taurus ♉
Chinese Zodiac Rat
Ruling Planet Venus
Numerology 7
April Birthstone Diamond
April Birth flower Sweet Pea/Daisy

We are using US standard week number calculations.

Fun fact: Here is how to write April 26, 2020, in Roman numerals: IVXXVIMMXX (month-day, year)

April 26th zodiac sign

The zodiac sign for April 26 is Taurus ♉. Taurus' strengths are: reliable, patient, practical, devoted, responsible, stable. While the weaknesses are: being stubborn, possessive, uncompromising. Venus is the ruling planet of Taurus.

Top news headlines from April 26, 2020

Here is what happened on this day.

Popular topics that trended on the web and social media on April 26th:

Jameis Winston #TheLastDance #SNLAtHome Dennis Rodman Julie Andrews Miley Cyrus

April 26th events in history

Below are a few important historical events that happened on April 26.

Pazzi conspirators attack Lorenzo de'Medici and kill Giuliano de'Medici in Florence.
Harlow Shapley and Heber D. Curtis hold "great debate" on the nature of nebulae, galaxies and size of the universe at US National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C.
Marshal Henri Philippe Petain, leader of France's Vichy collaborationist regime during WW II, arrested for treason.

Stock markets on April 26, 2020

Did you know: At the age of 56, Jeff Bezos was the richest person in the world in 2020 with $113 billion fortune, followed by Bill Gates with $98 billion, according to Forbes.

April 26, 2020 US Holidays

Holidays on this day: No major holidays found for this date.

Popular Tweets on Apr 26, 2020

Here are popular and most liked tweets on this day in United States:

April 26, 2020 in Music

The number one song on The Billboard Hot 100 was "Blinding Lights" by The Weeknd.

April 26 calendar

April 26, 2024 Friday
April 26, 2025 Saturday
April 26, 2026 Sunday
April 26, 2027 Monday
April 26, 2028 Wednesday

What is Numerology and life path number?
April 26, 2020 life path number is 7. Numerologists believe that we have all had previous lifetimes. Each number from 1-9 holds a vibration and each vibration produces a predictable characteristic or outcome around it. Life Path 7 is thought to be curious and devoted to investigating the unknown. You have an analytical mind, a strong mix of intellectual creativity, logic, and possess all of the skills to handle the challenge.

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